BTG présente SurfMAX™, une solution permettant d'avoir un impact économique significatif et d'augmenter la durabilité des qualités d'emballage

SurfMAX is an innovative development, combining novel inline instrumentation, surface metering technology, supported by application expertise. Stable starch properties together with an optimized size press operation reduce strength variation leading to significant starch and energy savings.

Utilizing SurfMAX in a mid-sized packaging machine, size press starch can be reduced as much as 20%. Raw material savings of 1 Mio € annually are achievable in addition to annual energy savings up to 3 Mio €. In addition, a 10 kg/t starch reduction reduces CO2 emissions by an estimated 8500 tons annually. Finally, when using SurfMAX, final quality is more consistent, resulting in improved end product performance.

SurfMAX is a holistic approach. BTG application experts can jointly identify areas of potential improvement with customers in the size press and starch kitchen areas. To reach full economic impact potential, the size press operation is optimized. To sustain gains from the optimization, optimal running parameters for each grade are defined and continuously improved.

Read the detailed BTG SurfMAX brochure

Watch the BTG SurfMAX video

Groupe BTG est un fournisseur multinational de solutions de processus intégrées et hautement spécialisées pour l'industrie mondiale des pâtes et papiers. BTG s'engage à aider ses clients à réaliser des gains significatifs et durables en termes de performances commerciales.

Pour plus d'information veuillez contacter:

Estelle Meyer
BTG Eclépens SA

Phone: +41 79 558 96 43


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