De réactif à prédictif - Stabilisation de la qualité activée numériquement

BTG’s ReelTime™ is the latest BTG solution aimed at tissue makers, targeting process variations from the pulper to the headbox, while at the same time predicting and impacting product quality in “real time”. The ReelTime solution combines innovative measurement, visualization and analytical software, supported by process and tissue-making expertise and knowledge.

“As tissue makers look towards self-regulating and autonomous papermaking, we believe implementing integrated digital solutions will provide the basis for achieving this. This is why we are so excited about the possibilities ReelTime represents for our customers”, comments Ian Padley, Global Solutions Manager for the tissue market

A BTG ReelTime project usually delivers pay back within less than 12 months, and provides savings in the areas of fiber blending, productivity increases and energy consumption reduction.

View the BTG ReelTime brochure.

Groupe BTG est un fournisseur multinational de solutions de processus intégrées et hautement spécialisées pour l'industrie mondiale des pâtes et papiers. BTG s'engage à aider ses clients à réaliser des gains significatifs et durables en termes de performances commerciales.

Pour plus d'information veuillez contacter:

Estelle Meyer
BTG Eclépens SA


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