Operational Safety for people safety and more production stability
Achieve savings ranging from € 20.000 – € 300.000
Specifically, BTG’s online vibration monitoring and analysis, specialist doctor holder service and Yankee dryer analysis help you maintain the high performance of your operational assets and troubleshoot potential issues before asset damage is incurred. Additional expertise like Yankee internal & external inspection, OTR and metallization services are available through the Voith Group of companies
Segurança Operacional
Operational Safety encompasses the protection of humans and equipment against imminent or potential damages and therefore uninterrupted operation of your assets.
At BTG we work to ensure things last!
Safe operations mean safe people, so everyone leaves for home in the same healthy condition as they arrived at work.
Less unplanned interruptions, more predictability are the pillars to reduced urgent reactive activities around your assets and to reduce the risk to unconsciously engage in risky situations.
Our Operational Safety products and solutions help reduce wear and tear leading to higher reliability and lifetime of your equipment
Improved production stability increases on-target output and therefore reduce production waste in papermaking, and converting
State-of-the-art technology combined with capability building through subject matter experts, BTG provides the hard and soft tools to help you help yourself understand the ups and downs of your process and to take the right measures at the right time.
Why BTG?
We are your single source to help you reduce unplanned interruptions of your production and extend the intervals between planned maintenance stops significantly. Saving you time and resource while stabilizing your output. From failure prediction and failure protection to extension of asset lifetime we provide longstanding expertise in combination with state-of-the-art technology.
Avançando na fabricação
BTG integra soluções para ganhos sustentáveis no desempenho dos negócios em suas operações
As melhores soluções da classe
As soluções de aplicação de produtos de ponta oferecem a melhor solução para fabricação
Benefícios comprovados de cross-mill
Uma abordagem integrada de toda a fábrica que desbloqueia novos níveis de otimização de processos
Confiável em todos os níveis
Ganhos de desempenho mensuráveis que apoiam os profissionais operacionais, de manutenção e de projeto
Serviços de valor acrescentado
- Os dispositivos de laboratório Mütek do BTG geram economia de custos por meio de dosagem química otimizada e operação confiável e estável
- Um novo método rápido e preciso para otimizar a dosagem de polímeros para processos de desaguamento no tratamento de efluentes
- O PCD Mütek do BTG abre novas opções para medição de produtos de grãos, matérias-primas, aditivos e produtos acabados

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