Drainage, Freeness and Retention

Validate additive performance

Fast trials deliver user independent results of the performance of chemical additives and the influence on speed as well shear forces

Selection of additives

BTG helps to avoid time consuming trials


    • All in one sequence Mixing + conditioning + dosing + shearing + dewatering + pressing = result ready for presentation
    • Increased lab trial hit-rate Simulates relevant process conditions for better transit of lab result to process outcome
    • Automated measurement User independent results everyone will trust
    • Descriptive measuring principle Process task and lab simulation are both the same: dewatering.
    • Compact and transportable Measurements on site rather than shipping samples to laboratories


    • Replaces time consuming manual measurement of filtrate consistency
    • Reduces the total trial time –allows test with comparable sample properties (aging of prepared sample)
    • Fast decisions –non-performing additives are identified right after the measurement; further tests can be avoided


  • Longer blade lifetimes
  • Stable tissue quality
  • Less scrap
  • Higher tissue softness

Moving manufacturing forward

BTG integrates solutions for sustainable gains in business performance across your operations

Best in-class solutions

Leading-edge product application solutions deliver best-in-class solution for manufacturing

Proven cross-mill benefits

An integrated whole-of-mill approach that unlock new levels of process optimization

Trusted at every level

Measurable performance gains that support operational, maintenance and project professionals

Value added services

  • BTG’s Mütek lab devices create cost savings through optimized chemical dosage and reliable, stable operation
  • A new, fast and accurate method to optimize polymer dosage for dewatering processes in ‘ effluent treatment
  • BTG’s Mütek PCD opens up new options for measurement of grain products, raw materials, additives and finished products

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