DFR-05 Drainage Freeness Retention

Lab simulation of drainage, freeness and retention processes onsite


  • Develop and characterize retention agents and drainage aids the market demands
  • Understand chemical reactions in the lab and onsite
  • Apply the correct additive in a process environment
  • Optimize chemical dosages for better operation and cost saving
  • Accurate automated consistency results for fiber stock and pigments (ash) replacing time-consuming manual determination

DFR-05: Dewatering and retention

Get insight of your chemical processes

The lab device MütekTM DFR-05 Drainage Freeness​ Retention simulates the retention and drainage​ conditions prevailing in a paper machine immediately​ before and during sheet forming. This enables a​ systematical assessment of chemical influences.​

Chemical addition is fully automatic via an integrated​ dosing module.​ The optionally available RET-20 Lab Sensor directly​ measures the filtrate consistency, making a time consuming​ manual determination of stock and ash consistencies superfluous.​


The drainage behavior is characterized by gravimetry​ of the filtrate volume. Besides, the Schopper-Riegler​ freeness can be determined from which the​ Canadian Standard Freeness (CSF) may be​ calculated applying a correlation.

Dfr 05 model image


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  • BTG の Mütek ラボ デバイスは、最適化された化学薬品投与量と信頼性が高く安定した動作により、コスト削減を実現します
  • 廃液処理における脱水プロセスのポリマー投与量を最適化するための、迅速かつ正確な新しい方法
  • BTG の Mütek PCD は、穀物製品、原材料、添加物、完成品の測定に新しい選択肢を開きます


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