GAS-60 Gas Content Analyzer

Analyzer detecting free and dissolved gas in a papermaking process


1. Bring foaming under control

2. Apply the deaerator and defoamer chemicals as needed

3. Optimize chemical dosages for better operation and cost saving

4. Prevent from pinholes and machine deposits

GAS-60: Gas content

Closed loop control of deaerator and defoamer chemicals

The main application of the GAS-60 Gas Analyzer is closed loop control of deaerator/defoamer chemicals in pulp and paper production. By measuring the gas content online, problems of paper machine runnability due to increased gas contents can be adjusted within a short time. In addition, online gas measurements optimize the performance of mechanical and/or chemical deaerator.

In pulp and paper suspensions two different types of gases can be found: free and dissolved gas. The washers in the brown-stock washing process are heavily influenced by foam. Air is introduced as a surfactant with the fiber and can result in several problems. The paper machine wire and leakages in piping, machine parts and pumps are the principal locations within the stock cycle where air is entrained during papermaking.

GAS 60 model image

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BTG integriert Lösungen für nachhaltige Steigerungen der Geschäftsleistung in allen Ihren Betrieben

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Ein integrierter Whole-of-Mill-Ansatz, der neue Ebenen der Prozessoptimierung erschließt

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Messbare Leistungssteigerungen, die Betriebs-, Wartungs- und Projektfachleute unterstützen


  • Mütek-Laborgeräte von BTG schaffen Kosteneinsparungen durch optimierte Chemikaliendosierung und zuverlässigen, stabilen Betrieb
  • Eine neue, schnelle und genaue Methode zur Optimierung der Polymerdosierung für Entwässerungsprozesse in der Abwasserbehandlung
  • Mütek PCD von BTG eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten zur Messung von Getreideprodukten, Rohstoffen, Zusatzstoffen und Fertigprodukten

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