
Use data to discover the hidden potential of your production process

Statistical methods provide perfect means to improve process management for variability reduction

Process information management

Reduction of variability reduces costs, claims and downtime

Reduction of variability has various impacts on operational efficiency. With modern tools you can find new ways to reduce variability. Once you can reduce variability, you shift the average, and that shift can have huge monetary value.

dataPARC has various tools to help you to reduce variability.

SPC/SQC methods with dynamic control limits and behavioural rules helps to distinguish exceptional situation from normal process variation and alerts for proactive intervention.

Combine that with Smart Alarms and you have an analytics engine running on the background and providing alarms with versatile alarming rules for different stakeholders by e-mail or SMS.

Use Run Browser to contextualize data into grade runs and set the criteria to search for the Golden Run, the time period when you have achieved the desired performance in production, quality and costs. Compile that into Centerline with targets and control limits, and you have a tool drive a change, help every shift to run the process in similar way.

Virtual sensors and predictive models can be used to estimate quality properties based on continuous measurements. In addition, model tells you the dynamic impact of different factors to product quality. By controlling those factors better, you can secure more stable product quality also between test samples.


  • Reduced variable costs
  • Reduced quality issues


  • Reduced downtime
  • Increased production
  • Improved safety

Die Fertigung voranbringen

BTG integriert Lösungen für nachhaltige Steigerungen der Geschäftsleistung in allen Ihren Betrieben

Klassenbeste Lösungen

Führende Produktanwendungslösungen bieten erstklassige Lösungen für die Fertigung

Bewährte Cross-Mill-Vorteile

Ein integrierter Whole-of-Mill-Ansatz, der neue Ebenen der Prozessoptimierung erschließt

Vertrauen auf allen Ebenen

Messbare Leistungssteigerungen, die Betriebs-, Wartungs- und Projektfachleute unterstützen


  • Mütek-Laborgeräte von BTG schaffen Kosteneinsparungen durch optimierte Chemikaliendosierung und zuverlässigen, stabilen Betrieb
  • Eine neue, schnelle und genaue Methode zur Optimierung der Polymerdosierung für Entwässerungsprozesse in der Abwasserbehandlung
  • Mütek PCD von BTG eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten zur Messung von Getreideprodukten, Rohstoffen, Zusatzstoffen und Fertigprodukten

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