While plants invest significantly in sensors, actuators, control systems, and advanced process control solutions, it is key that the return on these investments is sustained. Today, one third of the process controllers installed operate in manual mode, and on average, one third of the loops in a given facility have equipment problems.
With CONTROLsuite, optimum performance is achievable. Using CONTROLsuite in a facility will lead to improvement in overall productivity (typically 4 to 8%), in energy consumption (on average 1 to 2%), and in quality of the final product.
CONTROLsuite provides a complete overview of loop performance throughout the entire facility. It identifies and prioritizes the loops that are not performing satisfactorily and identifies the root causes of loop issues. A toolbox for loop tuning is also available.
Read the CONTROLsuite brochure or watch the CONTROLsuite animation
Grupo BTG es un proveedor multinacional de soluciones de procesos integradas y altamente especializadas para la industria mundial de la pulpa y el papel. BTG se compromete a ayudar a sus clientes a lograr ganancias significativas y sostenibles en el desempeño comercial.
Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto:
Estelle Meyer
BTG Eclépens SA
Phone: +41 79 558 96 43
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