Gestión de la energía

Use data to improve energy efficiency in ever changing world

Energy management has become more dynamic due to renewable energy production and that change is permanent. In addition, energy pricing is more dynamic as well, creating another challenge to optimise production operations.

Advanced energy monitoring

EN 50001 compliants solution for energy management

Fluctuating energy prices and dynamics in energy supply, even lack of energy, has created completely new challenges to resolve. Some production sites have their own power plants and can optimize the balance between own usage and the sale. Some sites are buying all energy and have a challenge to control peak loads.

First step in energy management is to have data collection and historian in place. In addition to data collected on-site, the system is typically interfaced with energy trading platforms to have on-line energy costs available for applications.

The next step is to calculate energy KPI’s. Different countries have different regulations and different methods to monitor energy efficiency. No matter in which country you are, dataPARC’s calculation engine provides means to calculate energy KPI’s.

Then you can visualize the KPI’s. That enables reporting of energy efficiency, monitor specific consumptions, contextualize all data to product and grade specific statistics, and follow-up all energy related factors, both in production and consumption side.

The analytics can be done visually on-line, to take decisions whether to use or sell or buy, can run on the background and generate alarms to give early warnings of changes in energy or can be done in the office to make analysis and plans how to improve energy efficiency in the long term.

dataPARC is a proven energy management solution, compliant with EN 50001 and can be applied to match local regulations in different countries.


  • Energy efficiency and costs visible real-time


  • Sell/buy decision support
  • Support for EN 50001 energy management process

Avanzando en la fabricación

BTG integra soluciones para ganancias sostenibles en el rendimiento empresarial en todas sus operaciones

Las mejores soluciones de su clase

Las soluciones de aplicaciones de productos de vanguardia ofrecen la mejor solución de su clase para la fabricación

Beneficios probados de cross-mill

Un enfoque integrado de todo el molino que desbloquea nuevos niveles de optimización de procesos

De confianza en todos los niveles

Ganancias de rendimiento medibles que respaldan a los profesionales operativos, de mantenimiento y de proyectos

Servicios de valor añadido

  • Los dispositivos de laboratorio Mütek de BTG crean ahorros de costos a través de una dosificación química optimizada y una operación confiable y estable
  • Un método nuevo, rápido y preciso para optimizar la dosificación de polímeros para procesos de deshidratación en 'tratamiento de efluentes'
  • Mütek PCD de BTG abre nuevas opciones para la medición de productos de granos, materias primas, aditivos y productos terminados

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