BTG FiberMAX®: una solución para obtener rentabilidad centrándose en las variaciones de caudal másico

FiberMAX is a diagnostic service provided by BTG to identify opportunities to reduce fiber cost and variability, including stabilizing paper quality. In the papermaking process, the control loops for fiber mass flow are crucial for stable production and operations. Fiber furnish needs to be delivered to the headbox with as little variability as possible, otherwise, high fiber, additive and energy costs can result.

FiberMAX includes a thorough survey of all furnish consistency control positions, based on a holistic view of the process. Process measurements, sampling and calibration, and control loop performance are being evaluated and compared to best-practice benchmarks. The FiberMAX team identifies sources of variability and outlines detailed recommendations for improvements. Since FiberMAX is a flexible diagnostic tool, it can be applied to any type of paper production line and paper grade.

Learn more about FiberMAX in this brochure, or contact us if you have any questions

Grupo BTG es un proveedor multinacional de soluciones de procesos integradas y altamente especializadas para la industria mundial de la pulpa y el papel. BTG se compromete a ayudar a sus clientes a lograr ganancias significativas y sostenibles en el desempeño comercial.

Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto:

Estelle Meyer
BTG Eclépens SA

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