PCD-05 Particle Charge Detector Smart
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Mütek PCD-05 Particle Charge Detector Smart
Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option
BTG Learning Academy - Know your fiber
Discover the importance of knowing the properties of the fibers to use - to optimize mill performance and overall quality
BTG Learning Academy - CONSISTENCY
Learn about the importance of consistency in the paper-making process
BTG Learning Academy - CHARGE
What is charge in the papermaking process?
MACSash will maximize the filler amount while ensuring product quality
SurfMAX will reduce size press costs and increase sustainability by managing strength variation
Pulp 4.0
Pulp 4.0 permits to optimize quality and reduce costs with Industry 4.0 tools accross the fiberline
CONTROLsuite is BTG intuitive, user-friendly and comprehensive solution to optimize loop performance
bCONNECT is an edge technology which permits to connect BTG sensors in the mill, and get all the benefits of Industry 4.0.
Mütek PCD Tutorial - Electrochemical Doublelayer
Theoretical background on formation of charge layers at a solid/liquid interface
Mütek PCD Tutorial - Charge Titration
Charge neutralization in the PCD by use of a poly-electrolyte titrant
Mütek PCD Tutorial - Instrument Handling
Description and proper use of the Particle Charge Detector
Mütek SZP Tutorial - Zeta Potential Measurement
Description and proper use of the System Zeta Potential and its measurements
The BTG Crepe Model for Tissue
De-densification concept to explain creping for bulk
BTG Eclépens S.A OHSAS 18001:2007
Certificate CH/1517
Eclépens BTG S.A OHSAS 18001:2007
Certificate CH/1518
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