Moving graphic paper manufacturing forward

BTG solutions transferrin process performance across the whole mill

Trusted Graphic Paper solutions transferring efficiency, productivity and profitability.

Solusi Kertas Grafis

BTG solutions improve process performance across the whole mill

In today’s highly competitive and ever changing environment, complementary solutions from BTG, including digital solutions, market-leading instrumentation, high performance coating and sizing technology helps graphic paper industry achieving their goals on performance and cost.

At BTG, we combine in-depth process knowledge with a multidisciplinary approach to develop solutions in response to customers’ real-life needs. That is why we been seen as partner on graphic paper board makers around the globe, solving persistent problems throughout their production process. Localized problems may have complex origins. A holistic approach often reveals that the root cause of many issues is combination of wet end material balance, chemistry and surface application. When identified, these can be remedied and even eliminated so that your entire process runs smoothly, efficiently and with lowest Total Cost of Operation.


  • CONTROL LOOP PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: Ability to identify and tune low- performing Control Loops to increase overall performance
  • ADVANCED PROCESS CONTROL: Standardize and centerline the control strategy of process to increase focus
  • PREDICTIVE MODELLING SOLUTIONS: Usage of soft sensors to reduce variability and optimize output leading to optimal product quality
  • STARCH PERFORMANCE: Stabilize starch preparation system and optimize surface application of the starch
  • COATING PERFORMANCE: Enhance optical, printing and functional properties through holistic approach to coating process.
  • ONLINE ANALYZERS: Online measurements of charge, fiber morphology and freeness with SPC, SPM, DRT
  • PERFORMANCE SOLUTIONS: Advanced services and diagnosis to unlock process capabilities and performance
  • OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Enhanced decision making capabilities based on process knowledge, keeping production at high level with best quality with dataPARC
  • FIBER MANAGEMENT: Fiber quality and property improvement and control; refining, fiber morphology and drainage optimization
  • CONSISTENCY CONTROL: Fiber, fines and ash consistency, monitoring and retention control.
  • WET-END STABILITY: Process chemical and fiber usage improvement through charge and zeta potential measurement
  • SHEET UNIFORMITY: Uniform sheet formation, moisture and grammage profile with headbox sheets and services

Memindahkan manufaktur ke depan

BTG mengintegrasikan solusi untuk keuntungan berkelanjutan dalam kinerja bisnis di seluruh operasi Anda

Solusi terbaik di kelasnya

Solusi aplikasi produk terdepan memberikan solusi terbaik di kelasnya untuk manufaktur

Manfaat lintas pabrik yang terbukti

Pendekatan seluruh pabrik terintegrasi yang membuka level baru dari pengoptimalan proses

Terpercaya di setiap level

Peningkatan kinerja terukur yang mendukung profesional operasional, pemeliharaan, dan proyek

Layanan bernilai tambah

  • Perangkat lab Mütek BTG menciptakan penghematan biaya melalui dosis bahan kimia yang dioptimalkan dan pengoperasian yang andal dan stabil
  • Sebuah metode baru, cepat dan akurat untuk mengoptimalkan dosis polimer untuk proses dewatering dalam pengolahan limbah
  • PCD Mütek BTG membuka opsi baru untuk pengukuran produk biji-bijian, bahan baku, aditif, dan produk jadi

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