Manajemen Pengetahuan

Sharing knowledge is sharing power

Capitalising your most valuable asset

Process information management

Knowledge is the most valuable asset and can be captured with the right tools

Every mill has a logbook, fulfilled with information that has been collected during the shifts. This information is invaluable, as many events and situations in operations are not necessarily visible in process or quality measurements. A traditional logbook is hand- written and located in control room or shift manager’s office. To make this invaluable information available to everybody is the main target of electronic logbook. Another target is to make it easy enough for everybody in the mill to register observations. This means in practice to get more individuals to participate in gathering and nurturing the most valuable asset: knowledge.



As part of the dataPARC solution, Logbook entries can be inititialized automatically from other applications. The operating team can then focus only to add the remaining information.


  • Capture knowledge of your individuals and share with others


  • Collect experiences how problems are resolved
  • Empower collaboration between the teams

Memindahkan manufaktur ke depan

BTG mengintegrasikan solusi untuk keuntungan berkelanjutan dalam kinerja bisnis di seluruh operasi Anda

Solusi terbaik di kelasnya

Solusi aplikasi produk terdepan memberikan solusi terbaik di kelasnya untuk manufaktur

Manfaat lintas pabrik yang terbukti

Pendekatan seluruh pabrik terintegrasi yang membuka level baru dari pengoptimalan proses

Terpercaya di setiap level

Peningkatan kinerja terukur yang mendukung profesional operasional, pemeliharaan, dan proyek

Layanan bernilai tambah

  • Perangkat lab Mütek BTG menciptakan penghematan biaya melalui dosis bahan kimia yang dioptimalkan dan pengoperasian yang andal dan stabil
  • Sebuah metode baru, cepat dan akurat untuk mengoptimalkan dosis polimer untuk proses dewatering dalam pengolahan limbah
  • PCD Mütek BTG membuka opsi baru untuk pengukuran produk biji-bijian, bahan baku, aditif, dan produk jadi

Unduh Sumber Daya.

Dapatkan Akses ke materi pemasaran kami, panduan pemasangan, dll.

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