
Optimized Retention – Increased Productivity

1. Optimum usage of raw materials

2. Few material losses to the clarified water

3. Reduced waste water load

Retention influenced by Stock Flocculation

Retention – an important parameter for wet end chemistry

Retention aids are commonly used in the paper industry to influence the chemistry of pulp and final product quality. They are used to retain small particles and chemicals in the sheet rather than draining through the wire. Depending on paper grade, it is important to have the correct level of retention. Too low retention lets small particles and chemicals to drain through the sheet and accumulate in the white-water system. This causes several issues, such as deposits, poor runnability, increased usage of functional chemicals and sheet two sidedness.

Too high usage of retention aids may cause bad formation and runnability issues. Ideal retention allows water to drain through the sheet while retaining the paper machine chemicals and producing a consistent product. This reduces the steam required to dry the sheet in the dryer section and allows the machine to run faster.

Reliable in- and online instrumentation combined with our market leading wet end expertise help our customers to run their machines in optimum operation window, producing more in spec tons 24/7.

Wet end chemistry – Solution to produce better paper at lower cost

  • Low loading of the save-all
  • Reduced wire abrasion
  • Less pumping energy
  • Improved function of chemicals
  • Quick start-ups and grade changes

Memindahkan manufaktur ke depan

BTG mengintegrasikan solusi untuk keuntungan berkelanjutan dalam kinerja bisnis di seluruh operasi Anda

Solusi terbaik di kelasnya

Solusi aplikasi produk terdepan memberikan solusi terbaik di kelasnya untuk manufaktur

Manfaat lintas pabrik yang terbukti

Pendekatan seluruh pabrik terintegrasi yang membuka level baru dari pengoptimalan proses

Terpercaya di setiap level

Peningkatan kinerja terukur yang mendukung profesional operasional, pemeliharaan, dan proyek

Layanan bernilai tambah

  • Perangkat lab Mütek BTG menciptakan penghematan biaya melalui dosis bahan kimia yang dioptimalkan dan pengoperasian yang andal dan stabil
  • Sebuah metode baru, cepat dan akurat untuk mengoptimalkan dosis polimer untuk proses dewatering dalam pengolahan limbah
  • PCD Mütek BTG membuka opsi baru untuk pengukuran produk biji-bijian, bahan baku, aditif, dan produk jadi

Unduh Sumber Daya.

Dapatkan Akses ke materi pemasaran kami, panduan pemasangan, dll.

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