Charge Solutions

Charge – invisible but substantial for papermaking

Improve runnability and efficiency | Optimize the use of raw materials | Enhance the dosage of functional chemicals | Produce final product within quality specs

Online Charge Control

BTG‘s solutions for charge control helps you to find the sweet spots in your process

Charge is one of the basic properties of matter that causes it to experience forces: anionic charge attracts cationic charge. In the papermaking process, anionic contaminations are eliminated with a cationic fixing agent; other cationic additives like strength agents are designed to attach to anionic fibers.

The efficiency of these charge attachments is directly connected to the efficiency of the papermaking process: fixing agent accidentally adsorbed to fibers for example will subdue the fibers’ ability to take strength agents. This in turn means, that measuring the charge to understand how materials interact, permits to optimize these interactions and as such, optimize the entire process.



BTG offers a portfolio of solutions related to charge management. Different instruments
cater for the optimization of fiber charge as well as dissolved charge. And our experts will
gladly support you developing your individual charge management concept.

Memindahkan manufaktur ke depan

BTG mengintegrasikan solusi untuk keuntungan berkelanjutan dalam kinerja bisnis di seluruh operasi Anda

Solusi terbaik di kelasnya

Solusi aplikasi produk terdepan memberikan solusi terbaik di kelasnya untuk manufaktur

Manfaat lintas pabrik yang terbukti

Pendekatan seluruh pabrik terintegrasi yang membuka level baru dari pengoptimalan proses

Terpercaya di setiap level

Peningkatan kinerja terukur yang mendukung profesional operasional, pemeliharaan, dan proyek

Layanan bernilai tambah

  • Perangkat lab Mütek BTG menciptakan penghematan biaya melalui dosis bahan kimia yang dioptimalkan dan pengoperasian yang andal dan stabil
  • Sebuah metode baru, cepat dan akurat untuk mengoptimalkan dosis polimer untuk proses dewatering dalam pengolahan limbah
  • PCD Mütek BTG membuka opsi baru untuk pengukuran produk biji-bijian, bahan baku, aditif, dan produk jadi

Unduh Sumber Daya.

Dapatkan Akses ke materi pemasaran kami, panduan pemasangan, dll.

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